Saturday, February 12, 2011

Square Root Garden Bag For Bamboo Replanting

Go to  for more info, cost and super tech specs.

Hi tech material allows rhysomes to penetrate bag material and get more oxygen which will help bamboo grow much faster in a cold environment like Oregon.  Bag material is also water permeable which prevents over-watering.  Handles on bag allow for transport as well as easy transplanting.  Soft bags allow for convenient storage of multiple units without taking up too much room.

Square root bag pictured is 20 gallons which is perfect for most bamboo replanting.  Any bigger and just too heavy to transport alone.  Handles are strong, but bag still requires extra support from below if bag is full of planting medium as well as 10 - 15 gal root ball along with 15 foot canes.

The writing on this bag is for promotional purposes only -- Square Root Garden Bags are all black with no writing.

When transporting bamboo also get an extra bag to fill with planting medium (ie. ideally top soil with aged manure.)  Place bamboo plant to be transported in second empty bag and then fill temporarily with aged wood chips (not fir or cedar) or grass clippings.  Lightly water wood chips and bamboo rootball.  This is the lightest way to transport and the bamboo can remain in that condition for a couple of days (with light watering) until ready to be planted.  Finally, when planting remove half of the wood chips and replace with longterm planting medium.

Bags can be placed directly on hard surface, into hard planter or in the ground.  Be aware that rhysomes will penetrate square root garden bag material, so if bamboo is non-clumping you will still require a rhysome barrier in the longterm.